Drugi tryb warunkowy wpisywanie czasowników

Tagi: Drugi tryb warunkowy


Wpisz podane w nawiasie czasowniki we właściwej formie w zdaniach w drugim trybie warunkowym.


If my dad (not support) our local football team we (not have) so much to talk about.


If I (not be) a teacher I (not work) with children.


If she (be) a more hard working person she (be) top of her class.


If it (be) a little bit warmer we (play) football outside.


If my parents (not press) on me I (not train) volleyball.


I (not read) this book if it (not be) fascinating.


She (not work) in that restaurant if she (not need) money.


They (call) him if they (have) money on the account.


She (not play) so much LOL if she (not be) so good at it.


My dog (not bark) so much if I (not teach) it to do it.


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